PARA OPS, Open-minded Paranormal Skeptics, was started as a live broadcast in December of 2022. The hosts of the show were Laurissa, Marlena and Skye during season 1 but for season 2 the girls have brought Sarah Grim from Solace Paranormal into the fold. While the show is a serious review of evidence it is also filled with sarcasm and humor as these ladies rarely stay on track. Anything truly goes on this evening show. The goal of the show is to review evidence with objectivity (as much as is possible in any circumstance), with other investigators in the field.
For the first season, the show featured evidence from various locations and special guests from around the world. Subsequent seasons will feature more paranormal teams, investigators and celebrities but will focus more on guests from events that Third Eye produces in 2023. The goal will be to fully integrate event guests into the paranormal community by giving them an opportunity to review evidence captured at events they specifically attended. This concept is part of an immersive experience Third Eye prides itself on providing to its patrons.
OPS airs every other Wednesday at 7 PM EST on Facebook Live as well as YouTube. Please follow them on Facebook and subscribe below to the channel.