Currently Third Eye Event Productions, LLC, is offering management services for artists.

The company has managers who will devote countless hours to securing the best possible opportunities and highest fee structure for your appearances. This involves crafting emails, making phone calls, and investing significant time. Compensation is based on these efforts. Additionally, we will actively promote you, blending business acumen with public relations and social media expertise. Our networking capabilities are unparalleled in the industry, as evidenced by the brand recognition of Third Eye, The Haunted Mafia, and other upcoming projects.

In our collaborative process, we will work closely with you to establish the appropriate fees for your events. This will provide you with a transparent overview of the expectations if we secure an event for you. 

We will require you to have an updated media kit.  Media Kits are essential, though they can be complex. If your former manager or agent hasn't insisted on having one, you may not be maximizing your potential fees. Media Kits can be digital or printed, but in this case, a digital format will be used.  A complete Press/Media Kit (there's no real difference) will offer an in-depth overview of you, your company, organization, or team. You will have both a print version and an online file at your disposal. Moreover, there is an option for your press kit to be featured on a dedicated page on Third Eye Event Productions, LLC and The Haunted Mafia, LLC’s Special Guest page. Why is this significant? Event organizers often need quick access to information for banners, flyers, and descriptions featuring you. They also appreciate having a digital link to share with guests interested in learning more about you. A dedicated "Newsroom" provides easy access to information about YOU, enhances brand recognition, and sets you apart as more professional and appealing than your competitors who likely lack this feature.

You do not have to use our services to acquire your social media Kit, however, we do offer them. We charge $100.00 for a simple Media Kit. You may go purchase a media kit from us by clicking below.  Samples of kits we have created are pictured below.  Once you purchase the kit please return to this page and submit the information request form as well so we may begin working on your request. If you would like to secure our management services, please email us at





Media Kits can be digital or printed, but in this case, a digital format will be used. To get started on your kit, please submit the information as requested above. The initial fee is $100, with additional charges if extra hours are needed. Make sure all necessary materials are submitted before work begins. Any changes after the kit is completed and approved will incur an adjustment fee.

A complete Press/Media Kit (there's no real difference) will offer an in-depth overview of you, your company, organization, or team. You will have both a print version and an online file at your disposal.




Paranormal Investigator


Actor/ Horror Icon


Drag Queen/Paranormal Investigator